
2012-08-26 15:54 来源:丁香园 作者:
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Aims of this guideline:

To provide evidence-based guidance or best practice in the absence of evidence, on all aspects of extravasation to promote a consistent approach across the West of Scotland.

To educate staff on early preventative measures to reduce the risk of extravasation.

To provide clear referral and investigative pathways for patients with suspected or actual extravasations presenting in the West of Scotland.

To encourage prompt and appropriate treatment of extravasation to minimise the risk of serious tissue damage and optimise patient outcomes in relation to quality of life.

To assist with appropriate patient selection for treatment.

To inform and educate multidisciplinary staff regarding

referral and management of extravasation.

To encourage staff to involve patients in the early identification of this potentially disabling condition.


This guideline is applicable to all areas within West of Scotland Cancer Network (WOSCAN) that deliver chemotherapy.


It is the responsibility of each health board area to appoint a lead to ensure that all staff administering intravenous cytotoxic chemotherapy are appropriately trained and their competency maintained according to local hospital policy as set down in HDL(2005)29.

Trained staff should be familiar with the policy and know the contents of and location of the extravasation kit.

Trained staff are responsible for regular checks of the extravasation kits and expired or used kits should be returned to pharmacy for replacement.


编辑: jiang

